Go to one of the corners described below.Walk as far as you can into the corner and face the middle of it.Draw your sword and press and hold Z.Hold forward on the analog stick and press A to do a jumping attack into the corner.If you were aligned correctly with the corner you will go through one of the walls. If you didn't, you may have noticed that Link went through the wall but then came back out, this means you are doing the right thing, use the inhead view to adjust your angle and try again.You will now be on the other side of the wall, an area you cannot normally reach.
Corners and results:
As an adult to the immediate right of King Zora.Go anti-clockwise around the Great Deku Tree until you reach the first area enclosed by roots (immediatley after the Gossip stone). The corner is the one made by the root closest to Kokiri Forest and wall.You can walk around on a small area of land outside of the normal game area.In the Spirit Temple as you enter there are two snake statues to your left and right, the corner is made by the left hand statue and adjacent wall.You can walk around inside the statue.In the Forest Temple, there are elevated platforms on both the left and right sides of the main room. On these platforms are doors, and on both sides of these doors are pillasters (square pillars coming out of the wall). The corners are made by the sides of the pillasters furthest away from the doors and the adjacent walls.
Jump off the small area of land you are on and you should land on invisible ground below. You will now be in another part of the Temple, the difference is that everything is completely black (no textures), there are no enemies and no doors.Some water is still there though, and climbable vines also. You can access about half the Temple in complete darkness and you can still see the main room off in the distance, it looks really cool.In Kakariko Village the corner made by the side of the general store (as an adult, as a child it is the little boy's house) closest to Death Mountain and the adjacent rock wall.
You will be on an area of land inside the house, walk into the door from behind and you will be inside the general store (even if you do it as a child!).Entering Kakariko Village from the Graveyard, the corner is made from the end of the stone "tunnel" closest to the Graveyard and the adjacent rock wall.You will be on a small area of land behind the wall. Before you do this chuck some Cuccos into the middle of the tunnel, then quickly do the glitch, grab one of the Cuccos from behind the wall, now while holding the Cucco face towards the Well and walk backwards off into air. Float towards the Well and the bottom half of it will appear, float into the black area at the bottom, you will be taken to the Bottom of the Well. This lets you get into the bottom of the Well as an adult, or earlier than you normally can.In Kakariko Village enter the Potion shop (as an adult, as a child it is a house with a builder inside) and exit out the back door, walk straight ahead and fall to the ground below. The corner is now directly to your left.You will be on an area of land under the Potion shop, using the Longshot on the nearby crates you can pull yourself to other areas outside the normal game walls.In the Master sword part of the Temple of Time. The corners are made from the two pillars, and the walls they are touching, next to the 'tunnel' that leads to the rest of the Temple.You are on a tiny area of land inside the pillar.In the Ice Cavern go to the room with the revolving blade and take the right hand passage. In the room at the end of this passage you can go between the ice and wall to your left as you enter.You are behind the walls, and can walk around the outside the room.Go to the Spirit Temple as either child or adult Link, go through the child part of the Temple until you come to the outside area where the chest that had the Silver Gauntlets in it is. Behind the chest is the lower part of the giant statue's arm, climb up this part of the arm, the corner is made by the upper part of the arm and the wall to your left.You fall into the void.As an adult exit the Kokiri Forest shop and face towards the Great Deku Tree, jump into the water in front of you and go to to corner where the water meets the Forest wall and ends, this is the corner you can go through.
You can swim around underneath the ground in a limited area. This also lets you do the Zora Link glitch in Kokiri Forest.Know of a corner that works but is not listed here? Send it in!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Skulltula Lockup
Find any Golden Skulltula, as a child.Kill the Golden Skulltula.Equip the Ocarina and the boomerang.Throw your boomerang at the Golden Skulltula.As the boomerang reaches Link with the token in tow pull out the Ocarina, you must pull it out about 1/2 a second before you get the token.
If done correctly Link will begin to take out the Ocarina, pause for a second to grab the boomerang out of midair, then continue to take out the Ocarina, the text box saying you got a Golden Skulltula token may briefly appear and the little "you got something" tune will play.Play Saria's Song, choose to talk to Saria then not to again.The conversation box will close, then the camera will zoom in on Link as though a conversation was taking place, the game is now completely locked up (no buttons work).
If done correctly Link will begin to take out the Ocarina, pause for a second to grab the boomerang out of midair, then continue to take out the Ocarina, the text box saying you got a Golden Skulltula token may briefly appear and the little "you got something" tune will play.Play Saria's Song, choose to talk to Saria then not to again.The conversation box will close, then the camera will zoom in on Link as though a conversation was taking place, the game is now completely locked up (no buttons work).
100+ Gold Skulltulas II
Find any Golden Skulltula, as a child.Kill the Golden Skulltula.Equip the Ocarina and the boomerang.Throw your boomerang at the Golden Skulltula.As the boomerang reaches Link with the token in tow pull out the Ocarina, you must pull it out about 1/2 a second before you get the token.
If done correctly Link will begin to take out the Ocarina, pause for a second to grab the boomerang out of midair, then continue to take out the Ocarina, the text box saying you got a Golden Skulltula token may briefly appear anPlay any warp song and choose to warp to the destination, or, if you're in an area where time doesn't pass (e.g. Kokiri Forest) just play the Sun's Song.When you get there check your Golden Skulltula token total, it should have gone up by one, go back to where the Skulltula was and it should still be there.If you're having trouble taking out the Ocarina at exactly the right moment try this:When the Boomerang has almost got back to you pull out the Ocarina.Continue pressing, as fast as you can, the c-button the Ocarina is equipped to.Press B.Repeat from step 2 until the Boomerang reaches you.
What this should make you do is take out the Ocarina, put it away, take it out straight away and so on, every time you put the Ocarina away the Boomerang will get marginally closer, just make sure to stop when you get the Boomerang.
If done correctly Link will begin to take out the Ocarina, pause for a second to grab the boomerang out of midair, then continue to take out the Ocarina, the text box saying you got a Golden Skulltula token may briefly appear anPlay any warp song and choose to warp to the destination, or, if you're in an area where time doesn't pass (e.g. Kokiri Forest) just play the Sun's Song.When you get there check your Golden Skulltula token total, it should have gone up by one, go back to where the Skulltula was and it should still be there.If you're having trouble taking out the Ocarina at exactly the right moment try this:When the Boomerang has almost got back to you pull out the Ocarina.Continue pressing, as fast as you can, the c-button the Ocarina is equipped to.Press B.Repeat from step 2 until the Boomerang reaches you.
What this should make you do is take out the Ocarina, put it away, take it out straight away and so on, every time you put the Ocarina away the Boomerang will get marginally closer, just make sure to stop when you get the Boomerang.
100+ Gold Skulltulas
As child Link, with the boomerang and bombs, go to Hyrule Castle.Make your way past all the guards until you get to the area right outside the castle, next to the moat.There is a large tree located here, stand next to it and play the Song of Storms to uncover a secret grotto.Inside the grotto are bombable walls, bomb these until you find the one with the Gold Skulltula behind it.Kill the Gold Skulltula so it's token appears.Stand close to the "warp pad" that takes you out of the grotto, with your back to it, facing the token.Throw the boomerang at the token. When the boomerang is about halfway back to you with the token, do a back flip onto the 'warp pad'.You should land on the 'warp pad' and then straight away catch the boomerang, the blue text box that tells you you have collected a token will appear and then disappear as the screen fades out.As long as the blue square at the end of the text box - that indicates the end of the message - does not appear, the glitch will work.You will now appear back at the Castle, look at the 'Quest Sub screen', your Golden Skulltula total should have gone up by one, go back into the grotto and the Golden Skulltula will still be there, repeat this to get a maximum of 255 Skulltula tokens.
OR: As child Link go to the entrance to Gerudo Valley from Hyrule Field with the boomerang, bombs and Din's Fire, in this area there is a circle of small stones.Throw a bomb into the circle to uncover a grotto entrance, go into it.In the grotto there is a cow behind some spider webbing, use Din's Fire to burn away the webbing.Behind the cow on the wall is a Golden Skulltula. Put yourself about halfway between the Skulltula and the "warp pad".Kill the Golden Skulltula.Throw your boomerang at the Golden Skulltula token and start stepping backwards towards the "warp pad", make sure you do not step onto the "warp pad", stop just before you reach it.Again, when the boomerang is halfway back with the token, do a back flip onto the "warp pad".You should land on the "warp pad" and then straight away catch the boomerang, the blue text box that tells you you have collected a token will appear and then disappear as the screen fades out.As long as the blue square at the end of the text box - that indicates the end of the message - does not appear, the glitch will work.You will now appear back in Hyrule Field, look at the 'Quest Sub screen', your Golden Skulltula total should have gone up by one, go back into the grotto and the Golden Skulltula will still be there, repeat this to get a maximum of 255 Skulltula tokens.Note that this can also be done in the secret grotto located under the tree to the left of the stairs leading to Kakariko village, it may also be able to be done in other grottos, if you find one where it works tell me!
OR: As child Link go to the entrance to Gerudo Valley from Hyrule Field with the boomerang, bombs and Din's Fire, in this area there is a circle of small stones.Throw a bomb into the circle to uncover a grotto entrance, go into it.In the grotto there is a cow behind some spider webbing, use Din's Fire to burn away the webbing.Behind the cow on the wall is a Golden Skulltula. Put yourself about halfway between the Skulltula and the "warp pad".Kill the Golden Skulltula.Throw your boomerang at the Golden Skulltula token and start stepping backwards towards the "warp pad", make sure you do not step onto the "warp pad", stop just before you reach it.Again, when the boomerang is halfway back with the token, do a back flip onto the "warp pad".You should land on the "warp pad" and then straight away catch the boomerang, the blue text box that tells you you have collected a token will appear and then disappear as the screen fades out.As long as the blue square at the end of the text box - that indicates the end of the message - does not appear, the glitch will work.You will now appear back in Hyrule Field, look at the 'Quest Sub screen', your Golden Skulltula total should have gone up by one, go back into the grotto and the Golden Skulltula will still be there, repeat this to get a maximum of 255 Skulltula tokens.Note that this can also be done in the secret grotto located under the tree to the left of the stairs leading to Kakariko village, it may also be able to be done in other grottos, if you find one where it works tell me!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Climbing Corners
There are several special corners in the land of Hyrule where Link can't run up unless you set him up correctly (the easiest place would be next to the boulder near the Castle). Run Link into the corner until his walk becomes slow and he doesn't go anywhere, as usual. Then press C-Up and point him so that the corner line is in the center of the screen. Now hit A and begin to run forward. Link will run up the corner and can run around on top. Be careful, not all of the ground is walkable (you'll know what I mean when you begin to fall into nothingness).
Corners and results:
A. As a child to the left of the Great Fairy's fountain entrance at Hyrule Castle. You are able to get inside the castle by going along the edge of the hills towards the back off it then jumping behind it, it's full of water. You can also get to the end of the road that leads towards the market, you can also jump off into the void.
B. On Death Mountain Trail, on the path that leads up towards the crater there is a hole with a cow in it, to the right of this hole is a drop off to the ground below, follow this drop off until it ends and a walls starts, right on the edge, the edge of this wall is the seam.
You can climb Death Mountain the hard way, up the side of it, beware of rock faces that are not solid, slide you to your doom or instantly kill you. To get to the top of the Mountain you have to go up a rock face right on the edge of the actual trail that looks too sheer to climb. It takes you into Biggoron.
C. On Death Mountain Trail, as you exit Goron City there is a drop off with a fence to the left, follow this drop off until it ends in a rock wall, the edge of this rock wall is the seam.
You can get onto a previously inaccessible bit of rock, you can also jump off into the void or onto the start of the trail below.
D. On Death Mountain Trail as you exit Goron City follow the wall to your right, where this wall turns further to the right is the seam, the corner of the turn.
Absolutely pointless, the top of the seam goes straight into the overhead rock, so it takes you nowhere.
E. In Gerudo Valley on the side furthest from the Gerudo's Fortress. The edge of the wall, that is on the right side while facing towards Gerudo Fortress, is the seam. The edge of wall on the edge of the cliff.
Almost impossible to climb, if you could climb it with the nearby cucco in hand as a child, you could float over to the other side and get into GF as a child.
F. In Hyrule Field, the corner of the raised area outside the Gerudo Valley entrance, the corner furthest away from the large tree that you see the owl in as a child.
Pointless, takes you to the top of the raised area, somewhere you can already go.
G. As an adult, when you enter the area outside Ganon's Tower from the market, it is the first corner to your right.
Although not half as hard as 'E', this is a devilishly tricky seam, when you get to the top you fall straight into the void.
H. As an adult in the area outside Ganon's Tower, go to the edge of the cliff that falls away into the lava and follow it towards the entrance to the Great Fairy's Fountain. Where it ends is the start of the seam.
Also extremely hard, I have not yet successfully climbed this seam, but I guess that when you do you'll simply fall into the void.
I. In the Gerudo's Archery Range, the corner directly to the right as you enter, many other corners can be climbed in here too.
Gives you limited access to the cliffs around the Archery Range, you can also jump into the void.
J. The entrance doorway to the Shadow Temple has two large angled pillars on either side of it, the corners of these furthest away from the door came be climbed.
You can get on top of the pillars.
Corners and results:
A. As a child to the left of the Great Fairy's fountain entrance at Hyrule Castle. You are able to get inside the castle by going along the edge of the hills towards the back off it then jumping behind it, it's full of water. You can also get to the end of the road that leads towards the market, you can also jump off into the void.
B. On Death Mountain Trail, on the path that leads up towards the crater there is a hole with a cow in it, to the right of this hole is a drop off to the ground below, follow this drop off until it ends and a walls starts, right on the edge, the edge of this wall is the seam.
You can climb Death Mountain the hard way, up the side of it, beware of rock faces that are not solid, slide you to your doom or instantly kill you. To get to the top of the Mountain you have to go up a rock face right on the edge of the actual trail that looks too sheer to climb. It takes you into Biggoron.
C. On Death Mountain Trail, as you exit Goron City there is a drop off with a fence to the left, follow this drop off until it ends in a rock wall, the edge of this rock wall is the seam.
You can get onto a previously inaccessible bit of rock, you can also jump off into the void or onto the start of the trail below.
D. On Death Mountain Trail as you exit Goron City follow the wall to your right, where this wall turns further to the right is the seam, the corner of the turn.
Absolutely pointless, the top of the seam goes straight into the overhead rock, so it takes you nowhere.
E. In Gerudo Valley on the side furthest from the Gerudo's Fortress. The edge of the wall, that is on the right side while facing towards Gerudo Fortress, is the seam. The edge of wall on the edge of the cliff.
Almost impossible to climb, if you could climb it with the nearby cucco in hand as a child, you could float over to the other side and get into GF as a child.
F. In Hyrule Field, the corner of the raised area outside the Gerudo Valley entrance, the corner furthest away from the large tree that you see the owl in as a child.
Pointless, takes you to the top of the raised area, somewhere you can already go.
G. As an adult, when you enter the area outside Ganon's Tower from the market, it is the first corner to your right.
Although not half as hard as 'E', this is a devilishly tricky seam, when you get to the top you fall straight into the void.
H. As an adult in the area outside Ganon's Tower, go to the edge of the cliff that falls away into the lava and follow it towards the entrance to the Great Fairy's Fountain. Where it ends is the start of the seam.
Also extremely hard, I have not yet successfully climbed this seam, but I guess that when you do you'll simply fall into the void.
I. In the Gerudo's Archery Range, the corner directly to the right as you enter, many other corners can be climbed in here too.
Gives you limited access to the cliffs around the Archery Range, you can also jump into the void.
J. The entrance doorway to the Shadow Temple has two large angled pillars on either side of it, the corners of these furthest away from the door came be climbed.
You can get on top of the pillars.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Burgle the Burgler!
At Sakon's hideout(Ikana Canyon)there is a crack in the rock on the right side,roll into it till you get in!Sometimes you fall in the "nothingness water",if you don't know what it is,try this trick.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Get into the Carpenters tent with Epona(sort of)

Get on Epona and get in front of the Carpenter's Tent. Angle Epona slightly to the right and walk into the entrance.Keep walking forward and turn slightly to each side to try and get Epona's head to go past the wooden post. Once it is, hold the analog stick forward and use a carrot to speed up and turn to the left,Epona should lean over to the left and the screen will fade.You'll be in the Carpenter's Tent.
Another way:
Go to Gerudo Fortress and get on Epona.Go over to where the two sets of two crates are and place Epona between them facing the crates on the right, like this. Dismount and destroy the two crates in front of Epona. Now move Epona forwards until there is just enough room for you to run between her and the wall in front of her,like this. Enter the Fortress then exit, the crates should have now reappeared with Epona in the middle. Destroy the crate furthest away from the wall and Epona should popup onto the other one, like this. Climb onto the crate that Epona is on(if you can't you'll need to position her closer to the side ofthe crates inthe firstpart), drop a bomb and climb onto Epona before the bomb explodes.When it does Epona will fall to the ground, the screen will fade and you'll be inside the Fortress.
Invisible Epona
As swordless Link get on Epona, then go to Gerudo Valley. Have the Ocarina equipped to a c-button.Run towards the bridge as though you are going to jump it, just before(about 1/2 second) Epona jumps the bridge push the c-button the Ocarina is equipped to. The cinema showing Link and Epona jumping the bridge will play but there will be no Link or Epona present.When the cinema ends you'll see that Epona is stuck in the bridge and Link is standing behind her with the Ocarina out, oddly though the camera is acting as though you don't have the Ocarina out and will be behind Link.Putting the Ocarina away will make Epona go ahead and jump the bridge without the cinema, and also without Link, you'll now be controlling Epona and Link at the same time with the camera following Epona.Other items can be pulled out just before the cinema takes place too, the Hookshot/Longshot for example will result in its red aimer dot being visible during the cinema.
Deku sword
Firstly you will need to be Swordless Link, but not have won Epona off Ingo.As Swordless Link go to Lon-Lon Ranch.Talk to Ingo and pay to ride a horse.Once you're inside the corral, hop onto a horse(doesn't have to be Epona). Jump off the Horse.You'll now have a Deku Stick equipped to the B button, pressing B will cause the game to freeze if you have more than 0 Deku Sticks.
First person view
As swordless Link call Epona and get on her. Use a Deku nut, Link will fall off Epona.Now pull outtheHookshot/Longshot and attempt to shoot it, the game will start beeping like crazy.Use another Deku nut.You can run around like normal and the camera will be stuck in Link's head making it look like he is in first person mode.
crazy haze
As swordless Link go to Lon-Lon Ranch at the end of the day, just before it turns to night.Talk to Malon and choose to do the obstacle course.Once you have started doing it use the ocarina, Link will fall off Epona, now play the song of storms.Rust colored fog will fill the ranch. And the ground, buildings etc will disappear, after about a minute everything will go back to normal.
Purple haze
As swordless Link go to Lon-Lon Ranch.Talk to Malon and choose to do the obstacle course. Once you have started doing it use the ocarina, Link will fall off Epona, now play the Song of Storms.Purple fog will fill the ranch. At times getting so thick that it obscures Link and Epona, after about a minute it will disappear.
"Lock up"the game using the Giants mask
Put on the bunny hood and get into Sakon’s hideout and when it’s Kaife’s turn, put the Giant’s mask on the “C” button where the bunny hood was.When it’s your turn he’ll put it on and the game “Locks up” and the blue swirly thing’ll be there
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
The three Fs, Forever Falling Fear.
Become the Fierce Deity (out of battle)exept,at the end of the challange,DON'T PUSH THE BUTTON.Instead Backflip on to the conveyerbelt and when the mask falls,go in the hole and move around till' you fall right through.When you get to the bottom you'll restart it over again till' the moon falls.When it does,you'll have the same amount of life and your hearts won't be reduced to 3.
Underground Epona.
Play Epona's song infront of the Sign that says"Lon Lon Ranch ->".You'll hear Epona, but she's underground?
Ocarina on "B"
Go to Honey and Darlins' shop and play any game.When 1 second hits, press "Z" target and go off the end just enough to hang (very difficult)and now your swordless.Go to the octo shooting gallery and play.When your done, somehow you have the ocarina on "B"!You'llalways have it exept if you go on Epona and back off.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Wear the Fierce Diety's mask anywhere and out of boss battles.
Infinitie fins.MM
Wearing a rock.
Go to the circle of rocks near Goron city.Equip your hover boots, walk off and while still hovering,go infront of a rock and grab it.When you fall,you'll be wearing a rock.
Stealing the fishing rod.V. 1.0 ONLY!

Go to the fishing pond pay him, blah, blah, blah and take out your hover boots,run in the water and just before they ware out,cast your line.Now you can go out without having him say "no!!!".While yor outside,DON'T CAST YOUR LINE or otherwise the game'll freeze.If you want a Deku stick on "B",get in the water, press "pause" then "unpause", and wala!But if you try to use it,the game'll freeze.
Getting in Gerudo's Fortress as a kid.
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